Daily Devotional

You Are Big

13th November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 14: 22-33


“But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary.” (Matthew 14: 24)

As the ship that ferried Jesus’ disciples got to the midst of the sea, it was tossed about by waves, because the wind was contrary. Another factor that influences the formation of waves in a sea is the fetch- the expanse of water the wind is blowing over. So typically, the more the expanse of the water, the more likely waves may arise. So those waves that arose against the ship ferrying Jesus’ disciples indicated that the expanse of water was large.

Friend, some waves may be coming against you simply because of the size of your destiny. The devil may not be so interested in you if you didn’t have a great destiny; the demons of hell may not come for you except that they have seen what lies ahead of you and they want to stop it. Some attacks of the enemy will only come to one whose destiny is truly great and a potential threat to the kingdom of darkness. Some waves are for the great.

The bigger your destiny, the more the devil wants to undo you. Some people may not have gone through what you have been through simply because their future may not be as great as yours; some hurdles may have come specially to you in order to stop you from becoming all that God destined you to become. Some waves that are tossing your ship about may just be announcing to you how great God has made you.

For once, celebrate the greatness in you that has made you a target of the enemy. Give God praise for making you so great that the enemy feels threatened; thank God for making you so strategic in heaven’s scheme of things that hell feels uncomfortable; bless God for making you who you are, despite the attacks that seem to have been specially reserved for you. Celebrate the greatness in you that gives the enemy sleepless nights.

Hear this: if indeed God has made you great, no satanic wave of the enemy will cause you to go under. If God be for you, no matter how the waves toss your ship about, you won’t sink.


God has made me great; no wave will sink my ship, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8: 31)

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