In Jesus’ parable about the man who set out to build a tower, mention was made of those that will behold the tower and mock him for not finishing it. So that tower project was stationed in a place where people could easily see if it was completed or not. It was stationed in a place that wasn’t hidden; it was stationed in a place where failure would make news; it was positioned in a place where the man lacked the luxury of failure.
Friend, if you duly consider where God has placed you in destiny, you will realize that you don’t have the luxury of failing like others. Based on your positioning, you don’t have the luxury of giving excuses why you could not achieve all you should have achieved; based on your positioning as a child of God’s kingdom, the excuses that may be accepted from others will not be accepted from you, and the mistakes of others aren’t expected from you.
Any man who was building in a hidden area without human traffic could have stopped the building of a tower half way, and there would be no fuss; but for the man that Jesus described, there was no hiding place, and there were people available to mock because it was not a hiding place. If truly you are like that city that God has set upon a hill, then your failure already has advertisers who have perfected their speeches of how you failed.
Some mistakes may have been easier to deal with when you didn’t have people watching you, but right now, you have people watching, and you simply cannot be an example of failure like they expect you to. Be mindful that you are being watched as a child of God; be mindful that superiors and subordinates are watching; be mindful that people who want to ridicule you and your God are watching; be mindful of your watchers.
Don’t live your life as if your actions have no implications. Live with the consciousness that there are men watching you, to see your success or failure.