Daily Devotional

You Have A Portion

24th February 2020

Scripture Reading: Ruth 2: 15-18


“And when she was risen up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, Let her glean even among the sheaves, and reproach her not:” (Ruth 2: 15)

In bible times, the owners of fields harvested from their fields before strangers were allowed to go in and freely glean like Ruth did in Boaz’s field. The owners took the lead in harvesting from the farms, but there usually was something left for the poor and strangers. So even when some people were ahead in the business of harvesting, there was something left for those coming afterwards. There was something left for late comers.

Friend, I am aware that there may be people ahead of you already, they may have begun to harvest already, but hear me as I hear the Lord: there is something left for you. Your portion will be waiting for you despite the multitudes that have gone ahead of you; your own opportunities will wait for you despite those who went ahead of you to grab their opportunities; the field has your portion, no matter who is ahead of you.

No matter who is ahead of you, you shall have your own clients when you show up; you will have your own opportunities when you show up; you will have your own helpers of destiny when you show up; you will have your own high favours when you show up; you will have your own open doors when you show up; you will have breakthroughs when you show up; the same field that favoured those ahead of you will also favour you.

You need not worry about those who are currently ahead of you; when you show up, there will be something for you; when you show up, your portion will be there for you to take it; the same God who creates a portion for those who went ahead of you has also created a portion for you; the same God who made a way for those ahead of you has also made a way for you; the God who is good to your overtakers is also good to you.

Stop worrying about those ahead of you and keep your eyes on God. If God be for you, your portion will be available when you show up; if God be for you, there will be something for you when you show up.


When I show up, there will be something for me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.” (Psalm 16: 6)

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