Daily Devotional


You Have Been Remembered

5th October 2020

Scripture Reading: John 5: 1-11


“And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.” (John 5: 5)

In our Focal Scripture, Jesus arrived at the pool of Bethesda and there He met a man who had been there and had an infirmity that had lasted for thirty eight years. Jesus showed up, and that same reason that confined that man at the pool became the reason for the man to testify. Jesus showed up, and a man who had been helpless for thirty eight years received help. Jesus showed up, and went straight to heal that man who seemed abandoned.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: whatever situation that has caused men to mock you is receiving the attention of the Lord. Whatever situation that has confined you to the same level is receiving divine attention. Whatever prayer point that has remained from year to year is receiving the attention of the Lord. Whatever in your life, that has caused men to question your walk with God, is receiving the attention of Jesus.

Jesus showed up, and the matter that kept that man at the pool became the reason for his miracle. Jesus showed up, and the same man that looked forgotten and forsaken was remembered and healed. Hear me as I hear the Lord: that same reason why men have mocked you will become the reason for you to celebrate and be congratulated. That same issue that has been an object of your mockery shall become the subject of your testimony.

Get set: your time for rejoicing has come. The season of mockery is over. The time when men will laugh at you because of what you are going through, is over. The time when men will tag you according to what is wrong in your life, is over. The time when men will describe you by your challenge, is over. The time when your situation will overshadow your identity, is over. The season when your pain and shame will persist, is over.

Arise, and tear your garments of mockery. You have been remembered. The season of your congratulations has arrived.


I have been remembered; my pain has attracted divine attention, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.” (1 Samuel 2: 4)

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