Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the glory of the sun, as well as the glory of the moon and stars. Genesis 1 vs. 16 says, “And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also”. So when God made the sun and even the moon, he empowered them to rule in the day and in the night respectively. They were not just meant to be lights only; they were meant to rule.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are that burning and shining light that has been empowered to rule over your generation. In 2023, you will rule in the midst of your competitors. You will rule in the midst of your enemies. You will rule in the midst of other burning and shining lights. You will rule amongst men that are great. You will rule in the midst of other champions. You will rule even when it is dark. You will rule the nations.
Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2023, you will bear rule on all sides. You will be in charge on all sides. You will be the head and not the tail. You will be in dominion and not in subjection. You will be at the top and not beneath. You will rule over your environment whilst on your knees. God has empowered you to win every battle that comes your way. God has empowered you to rule no matter what happens in your environment.
The word ‘rule’ connotes absolute control. Rulership is a word that applies to monarchs, and even dictators. The idea is that one who rules is absolutely in charge, and no dissent is permitted. Hear me as I hear the Lord: in 2023, you will bear absolute rulership over your environment, and every voice that is contrary to your rulership will be silenced by fire. Every contending voice that says you will not bear rule, let fire answer.
Welcome to your new season of rulership. Welcome to that season where you will rule in the midst of other lights. Welcome to that season where you will rule both in the light and in the dark.