It is exciting to observe that after Hannah bore Samuel, God visited her again and she had three more sons and two daughters. Just when one thought she had received a miracle, she got more. Just when people had celebrated with her, more reasons for celebration arose. Just when it seemed that the best had come her way, more was released unto her. Something good came Hannah’s way, and in a matter of time, she got more.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you shall have more. For every good thing the Lord has begun in your life, you shall have more. You shall have more testimonies; you shall have more breakthroughs; you shall have more reasons to celebrate; you shall have more open doors; you shall receive more favours in addition to whatever favours you already received; testimonies shall jam testimonies; miracles will jam miracles.
Hannah would have been overwhelmed by what she received from God, but God was not done yet. Hear me again: God is not done with you yet; the days of miracles are not yet over for you; the season of your increase is not over yet; the time of your visitation is not yet over; whatever you have received from the Lord, expect more. Expect more favours; expect more than you have ever received; expect more than you asked for.
Hannah only prayed to have a man child, and after God gave her one, He also gave her five more children. God answered the prayers of Hannah in style. Get set: God will answer your prayers in style; God will exceed your expectations; God will make room for you in high places; God will do more than you asked for; God will give you divine evidence that will permanently terminate every argument around your destiny.
Get set to have more; get set to take more; get set to receive more; your portion is more than you prayed for; your result will exceed expectations.