Daily Devotional


You Will Bear Rule

18th August 2019

Scripture Reading: Joshua 6: 1-20


“And the LORD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king thereof, and the mighty men of valour.” (Joshua 6: 2)

God did not only speak of how He had given Jericho into the hands of Joshua; He also spoke about the king of Jericho and the mighty men of valour. So what looked like a gift of Jericho had the gift of the king attached to it. Jericho was a territory; it was a space; and within that space, God gifted Joshua with the king in the space. So the kingship and authority over the space belonged to Joshua. The throne and crown were Joshua’s.

Friend, in that territory that God has brought you into, you shall sit on the throne and wear the crown. You shall be called the king in your space; you shall be called the ruler in your territory; wherever the sole of your feet shall thread upon, you shall bear rule over it; you shall rule over people in your career; you shall rule in that line of enterprise that you operate in; you shall rule in that space where your destiny has been pitched.

Joshua was not going to come into Jericho and begin playing second fiddle to anyone. He was to come in and possess the reins of kingship immediately. Hear me as I hear the Lord: as you step in, you shall step up and take over. As you arise, you shall take your place in high places; as you arrive, you shall arise into greatness; as you step into the territory that God has ordained for you, you will be in control, and no man will take your throne or crown.

You belong to the generation that takes charge once they step in; you belong to that generation that receives kingship and royalty as a gift. Ordinarily, before a king was dethroned in Old Testament times, someone would have to fight for it; but for Joshua, it came as a gift. The throne and crown came as a gift. Your throne and crown will come as a gift, without struggles. Others may struggle for theirs, but yours will be a gift.

Possess every territory that God has given you; and possess the throne and crown of your territory.


I rule over my territory; I sit on my throne and wear the crown, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.” (Psalms 18: 44)

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