Daily Devotional

Helpers Or Reducers

You Will Come Back

10th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 12-27


“He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.” (Luke 19: 12)

The noble man in our Focal Scripture was to go and receive a kingdom, and to return to his base. While he was away, there was a matter of the hatred of some citizens who vowed that he will not rule over them. There was an expression of hatred; there was an expression of something that could make it difficult for that noble man to come back, but in the end, he came back. Despite the opposition that stood on his way, he came back.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: despite the opposition against you, you will come back. Despite the multitude of those who have vowed to make a mess of your destiny, you will come back. Despite the efforts of those who have vowed to stop your journey on the way, you will come back. The opposers of your destiny will not cut short your movement and advancement. Those that have evil intentions against you cannot stop you.

The noble man went and received the new kingdom, and returned despite the hatred of the haters. He returned and after advancing higher, and it didn’t matter that there were haters on his pathway who would rather not have him rule over them. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your advancement shall be unstoppable. No matter how much you advance, your haters will not stop you. No matter how much you rise, you won’t go down.

Opposition is a natural consequence in the life of any man that will possess new kingdoms and territories. If you will be great in this life, and if you will possess kingdoms that others are yet to possess, get set to go head to head with the gates of hell. If you will rise ahead of your rivals and competitors, get set to face challenges that others do not regularly face. Sometimes, the measure of opposition you face speaks of your greatness.

The season when your opposition could stop you, is over. Get set to rise despite your opposition. They may not want you to return, but you will return.


Despite my opposition, I will return; my haters can not stop me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Give me a sign of your goodness, that my enemies may see it and be put to shame, for you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.” (Psalm 86: 17 NIV)

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