Daily Devotional

You Will Do Better

8th December 2019

Scripture Reading: Ruth 1: 1-17


“And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband.” (Ruth 1: 5)

Elimelech had two sons, Mahlon and Chilion, before he died; but his sons had no children before they died in Moab. Mahlon and Chilion had a father who had children but they didn’t have. They couldn’t achieve what their father achieved; they couldn’t attain a basic level that their own father attained with ease. They belonged to the generation that did not do as well as their older generation did; the past generation was better.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: it will never be said that your past generation was better than your own generation. It will never be said that your fathers did better than you; it will never be said that your greatness fell short of the greatness of those ahead of you; it will never be said that you couldn’t attain the levels your fathers attained; it will never be said that you couldn’t improve on the standards left behind by your fathers.

Today, I decree, you will surpass the levels and achievements of those who came ahead of you. Your results will be better than the results of those you look up to; your greatness will exceed the greatness of your previous generations; your influence on your generation will exceed the influence of your past generation; your importance and relevance will overshadow the importance and relevance of those ahead of you.

If Jesus has redeemed you, you belong to the generation of those who do better than their fathers. If Jesus has redeemed you, your path is only permitted to shine brighter and brighter; if Jesus has redeemed you, you belong to the generation of those who will break the records set by their past generation; you have the grace and divine enablement to do better than those before you.

The power to do better is in you. The power to break old records and set new ones is in you. Get set to achieve what others ahead of you didn’t achieve.


I am bigger, greater and better; I will do better than my previous generation, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” (Proverbs 4: 18)

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