Jesus was introduced in our Focal Scripture as Mary’s firstborn son. That obviously meant that after the birth of Jesus, Mary would later have more children. Jesus’ birth was a major milestone in the life of Mary, but it was just the beginning of more miracles that were yet to come her way. More miracles, divine encounters, divine releases, etc were still on the way in the life of Mary. What Mary received was just a first, with more ahead.
Friend, whatsoever miracle you have received from God is just a mere appetizer; the main course is still on the way. You will receive more of what you already received; you will witness more divine encounters than you already witnessed; you will encounter good news again and again; you will receive more testimonies that sound like lies; you will witness more divine interventions; you will enjoy more and more of God’s goodness.
God is about to put more smiles on your face; God is about to make you a candidate for more of what you already received from Him; God is sending you more testimonies, more open doors, more mighty works, more good news, more favours, more divine interventions, more divine surprises, more opportunities for greatness and increase, bigger portions, etc. What you have received may be good enough, but expect more.
The last big thing you received from God is not the last that will come your way. The last big thing which God made happen for you is not the last that He would make happen; the goodness of God is ever unfolding; if He gave you a miracle today, He has more to give you tomorrow; if He did it before, He is more than able to do it again. Your best miracles will not be the ones you got in the past; your best is still on the way.
The chapter of miracles and testimonies shall be forever open in your life. You shall have more; your good news will never end.