Daily Devotional

You Will Not Fall

You Will Not Fall

29th November 2019

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7: 24-27


“And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” (Matthew 7: 25)

The man who built his house upon a rock eventually encountered the rain, and floods and wind which beat upon his house, but the house did not fall. Adversity came, but it was unable to take down the house the house that was built on a rock. Seasons changed from pleasant to unpleasant, but the house that was founded on a rock was unfazed. That house that was founded upon a rock did not become a victim of change of season.

Friend, if you have been founded on the Rock called Christ, then hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not go down. You will not fall; change of seasons will not push you out of relevance and into obscurity; what reduced others will not reduce you; the adversity that cut others short will not cut you short; the floods that rooted others out will not root you out; the attacks that put others out of circulation will not put you out of circulation.

Did you notice that one of the things that came against the house was a flood? Isaiah 59 vs. 19 speaks of when the enemy comes in like a flood; flood is typically not anybody’s friend; floods speak of enemies. So a flood came, and the house that was founded on a rock stood unshaken. Go and announce to the enemies of destiny that are threatening to come like a flood: no matter how they try, you will not go down.

Your covenant with Jesus is not as simple as your adversity thinks; if Jesus is your foundation, then you won’t be going down anytime soon no matter the wind or floods that show up; if Jesus is the rock upon which you are built, then longevity is your portion; you will not be cut short; you won’t be a victim; you won’t be reduced or put to shame; your efforts will not be a waste; you will not be a laughing stock in your generation.

Put your trust in God and pay less attention to the change of seasons that are threatening to pull you down. If Christ be your foundation, you will not go down.


I will not fall; I will not be uprooted, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.” (Psalm 46: 5)

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