Our Focal Scripture makes mention of the two olive trees on either side of the lampstand. Agriculturists say that when the olive tree is cut down, if there be as much as a tiny strand of root, it will grow again. The efforts to cut down the olive tree may seem final, but it is only a matter of time before you see a new olive tree coming forth from the roots of the earlier tree that was cut down. The olive has the trait of survivability.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you are like the olive tree, and no matter the efforts that men make to cut you down, you will rise again against all odds. No matter how hard they try to stop you, you cannot be stopped. No matter how hard they try to mitigate your success, you will continue to succeed to their chagrin. No matter how hard they try to uproot you from your very roots, you will rise again without their help.
Those that have been plotting your downfall are in for the shock of their lives. The more they try to cut you down, the more you will rise before their very eyes. The more they try to consume you, the more you will emerge on a higher level. The more they try to extinguish you, the more heaven will cause you to be distinguished. The more they arise against you to try and put your destiny in jeopardy, the more you emerge from the ashes of defeat.
If you remain rooted in Christ, no power of hell can engineer your downfall successfully. Even when they seem to pull you down, the energy to rise again is already within you. Even when they try to suppress you, the seed of your next rising is already within you. You belong to that generation that cannot be cast down by the enemy. You belong to that generation that the enemy cannot cut down. You belong to the indestructible generation.
Welcome to that season where the enemies that try to cut you down will see you rise again before their very eyes. Welcome to that season where your enemies will realize that there is nothing they can do to stop you.