Daily Devotional


22nd March 2023

Scripture Reading: PSALM 18: 43-48


“He delivereth me from mine enemies: yea, thou liftest me up above those that rise up against me: thou hast delivered me from the violent man.” (Psalm 18: 48)

In 1 Samuel 18 vs. 25, Saul demanded from David an unusual dowry for his daughter Michal, and that dowry was a hundred foreskins of Philistines. David thought it was a genuine desire to give him a wife, but for Saul, it was a trap to make David die by the hands of the Philistines. It looked like marriage on the surface, but the plan behind it was death for David. Saul was that violent man that set traps that would swallow David’s life.

Friend, I pray for you: every trap that men have set for you to aid your downfall, you will survive and escape it. Every trap that has been erected to cut short your successes will be consumed. You will escape from every trap that has been positioned to swallow your next level. You will survive and escape every trap that has been positioned to lead you to your death. You will survive and escape every trap set for your disgrace and debasement.

Notice that David eventually went to the camp of the Philistines, and he fetched two hundred foreskins of the Philistines. David consumed the very men that were positioned to consume him. Hear me as I hear the Lord: every man that was positioned to consume you will go down because of you. You will embarrass every trap that the enemy set for you. You will disgrace what was positioned to disgrace you. The traps can’t get to you.

David was meant to believe that he was about to get a wife, but the real plan was to make him die. Today, I pray for you: may you be discerning enough to see through the intentions of the evil men who are setting traps for you. May you have the strength to defy the traps the enemy set for you. May you have the foresight to stay ahead of the enemy’s plans. May you have the discernment to see through the evil wishes of men.

May your eyes be open to see the traps for what they truly are, and may you have the grace to escape from them all.


I escape from every trap of the enemy, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“We are free from the hunter’s trap; their snare is broken and we have escaped!” (Psalm 124: 7 TPT)

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