Jesus and His disciples boarded a ship in order to cross over to the other side; they had a destination to arrive at; but in the middle of their journey, a storm arose to put them in jeopardy. Something arose in the middle of a journey to a destination, and threatened to stop them on the way; something that had the capacity to sink the ship arose and threatened to make the ship go under. Jesus and His disciples were put in jeopardy by the storm.
Notice that in the end, Jesus and His disciples eventually got to the other side; they got to their destination despite the storm; the storm that came to stop them did not eventually stop them; the battle that came to consume them did not succeed in consuming them; something threatened to stop them on the way, but in the end, they did not stop on the way.
Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: you will not stop on the way. Your journey to the top will not stop on the way; your journey of greatness will not stop on the way; your journey to hitting your target will not stop on the way; your journey of advancement will not stop on the way; your progress will not stop on the way; your success will not stop on the way; your increase will not stop on the way; you will not stop on the way.
You belong to the generation that cannot be stopped no matter the storms that arise; you belong to the company of those whose success is engraved in the hands of God; you belong to the generation that keeps moving despite the challenges and obstacles that may arise; you belong to the company of those whose success is unstoppable. If God be for you, hear me again, nothing and no one will stop you on the way.
Walk with the confidence that the God with whom you have to do will not let you stop on the way. Move like one who is unstoppable.