Daily Devotional


You Won’t Lose Control

12th April 2021

Scripture Reading: Luke 19: 12-27


“He said therefore, A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.” (Luke 19: 12)

The nobleman in our Focal Scripture went and received a kingdom, and returned to his base. He didn’t have to stay back in the kingdom he had just received in order to remain in charge of the kingdom. He didn’t have to stay physically in the kingdom he received to remain the owner of the kingdom. It was a case of being in one location and being in control of what was going on in another location. It was a control that was remote.

Friend, you may often be distant from the places you need to be in control of, but God says, distance will not steal your ability to control your territory. You can control every territory that God has put into your hands from wherever you are. You can determine the outcome of your children’s destiny through your prophetic proclamations, even when you are far from them. You can call forth the profit of your business from afar off.

If you have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus, then you belong to the company of those who have what it takes to reign over distant territories without being physically present. If Jesus has redeemed you, the same way He stays in heaven and makes the earth His footstool, you too can be in one location and make another location your footstool. You too can use your words to control outcomes in locations that are far from you.

You have been raised with Christ, and you are ordained to control your environment. If your words are filled with power, the environment will obey you, your health will obey you, your finances will obey you, your gates will obey you, the opportunities you seek will obey you, the territories that God has put in your hands will obey you, your results will obey you, and even the gates of hell will have no choice but to obey you.

Learn to live a life of spiritual authority. Use your spiritual authority to prevail over life’s outcomes.


I may not be close, but I will not lose control, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:” (Psalm 8: 6)

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