The widow of one of the sons of the prophets had a pot of oil in her house, and that pot of oil became the seed that birthed her increase. Elisha told her to pour that oil into as many vessels as she could borrow, and every available vessel was filled with oil. So her oil multiplied. The pot that contained the oil did not multiply, but the oil multiplied. The container remained the same, but the content went to a whole new level.
Friend, you may still be a little pot of oil, but God says, your oil is about to multiply. Your content will be multiplied; your greatness will be multiplied; your capacity/abilities will be multiplied; your ideas will be multiplied; your influence will be multiplied; what you have in you will be multiplied. You may still look as ordinary as ever, but you will witness extraordinary manifestations of God’s goodness.
The same pot that only had a little oil became a pot that filled several other pots. It didn’t change, but its capacity and results changed for the better. Hear me as I hear the Lord: you may not change but your capacity will change, your results will change, your impact will change, your influence/importance will change, your access to high places will change, and your destiny placement will change. You may be same, but your content will overflow.
If Jesus has redeemed you, you need not be more than a ‘small pot’ for your results to rise higher. If Jesus has redeemed you, the same location, job, business, relationships, career, etc that never gave you meaningful results in time past will begin to yield massive results that will blow your mind and make you smile. The redemptive work of Jesus in your life has some impact on your capacity if you dare to look inwards.
Don’t be fixated on the big pots of this world. Be content to be that pot that will fill other vessels with oil.