Daily Devotional


Your Sweetness Has Begun

1st September 2019

Scripture Reading: Acts 27: 41-44, 28: 1-6


“And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita.” (Acts 28: 1)

When Paul and his fellow prisoners escaped to shore, they found that they were at the Island of Melita. The word ‘Melita’ means ‘honey’; it is symbolic of sweetness. So Paul and the other prisoners went through hell in the midst of the sea, but they ended in a place of sweetness. After a season of pain, they entered a better place. They moved from disaster to sweetness; they moved from turmoil to sweetness.

Friend, as the ember months begin, hear me as I hear the Lord: your journey shall end in the place of sweetness. Your year will end in sweetness. The processes you have begun will end in the place of sweetness. No matter the contrary wind you are facing, you will end in sweetness. No matter the rage from the seas on which you sail, your journey will end in sweetness. Your battles will lead you to the place of sweetness.

Paul and the other prisoners were not originally on their way to Melita. They were being taken as prisoners to a different destination, but the incident in the midst of the sea orchestrated a chain of events that brought them to Melita (sweetness). Hear me as I hear the Lord: even if you are already on the way to the place of pain and shame, you will be divinely redirected. Your place in sweetness shall come against all odds.

No matter the contrary wind that tosses your ship around, you will end in the place of sweetness. No matter the satanic arrows the enemy throws at you, you will end in sweetness. No matter the storms the enemy has packaged for you as the year gradually winds down, you will end in the place of sweetness. No matter the gang up and conspiracies against you, you will end in sweetness.

Every plot to cause you pain shall scatter; every movement to disaster shall be aborted; henceforth, your journey shall end in sweetness.


My journey shall end in sweetness; every journey towards pain is aborted, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads; we went through fire and through water: but thou broughtest us out into a wealthy place.” (Psalm 66: 12)

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