Daily Devotional

You’re Not Ordinary

26th May 2020

Scripture Reading: luke 8: 43-48


“And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,” (Luke 8: 43)

The woman with the issue of blood suffered her condition for twelve years. For twelve years, blood continued to drip from her body; for twelve years, she kept losing blood; for twelve years, a vital component she needed in order to remain alive continued to reduce; for twelve years, her blood level could have suffered several hits, yet she survived. She lost blood but didn’t die; that condition may have killed others, but it didn’t kill her.

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: no matter what you go through, it will not kill you. No matter the misfortunes that life throws at you, it will not kill you; no matter the wickedness that men hurl at you, it will not kill you; no matter the health challenges that come to you, it will not kill you; no matter the tragedies and hard times that life may hurl at you, it will not kill you; no matter the negativity you face, it will not kill you.

Others may have been reduced by their own ‘issue of blood’, but you will not be reduced. Others may have gone down after suffering what you suffered, but it will not be so in your own case; others may not have survived the challenges you are currently facing, but you will survive; others may have crumbled under the weight of the difficulties that exist at the moment, but you will not crumble; you will not go down like others.

Your life does not work like the lives of others. Your life is hid in Christ, and Christ in God; therefore, if Christ cannot go down, then you too cannot go down; if Christ cannot be consumed by what you face, you too cannot be consumed by what you face; if Christ cannot be swallowed by what you face, then you cannot be swallowed by what you face; if Christ cannot be defeated by what you face, you too cannot be defeated.

You may be a mere mortal, but if Christ lives in you, your life is not as ordinary as people around you might think. Your life will not work like the lives of others’ work. You have a supernatural life in you.


My life does not work like the lives of others; what reduces others cannot reduce me, in Jesus’ name!

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Memory Verse

“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” (Colossians

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