Daily Devotional


Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David asked Abiathar to bring the ephod. Abiathar was a priest. In bible times, priests served as mediators between God and man. They brought the word of

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As David got ready to fight back against the Amalekites who made away with his wives and children as well as the wives and children of his men, one of the men he needed was

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how David requested for the ephod from Abiathar. Abiathar was a priest. An ephod was part of the cloak of priests in bible times; and you had to be a

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When David’s men spoke of stoning him, he had no option but to encourage himself in the Lord his God. The word encourage as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘chazaq’; another

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In our Focal Scripture, after nearly being stoned by his men, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. The word ‘encourage’ as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew word ‘chazaq’; another meaning

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In our Focal Scripture, in the midst of his men who spoke of stoning him, David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. The word ‘encourage’ as used in that scripture comes from the Hebrew

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of when David encouraged himself in the Lord. David was yet to recover his wives and children, what he lost was yet to be found, the situation that made him weep

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When David found himself in the midst of men who spoke of stoning him, he encouraged himself in the Lord his God. David found himself in the midst of losses, albeit temporarily. He found himself

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when David and his men lifted up their voices and wept until they had no more power in them to weep. Their wives and children had just been

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It is important to note that David had been anointed as king of Israel prior to the attack against Ziklag, but he was yet to become king. After the attack on Ziklag, David sought the

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When the Amalekites invaded Ziklag, they took away the wives and children of David and his men. They took an action in the present, and that put the lives and destinies of the wives and

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Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the sons and daughters of David and his men were taken away. Children are the next generation of every generation. So the enemy came to take the next generation

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Unprecedented Results

Our Focal Scripture captures that moment when one of the sons of the prophets anointed Jehu as king of Israel. This was one accomplishment that no other trainee prophet ever accomplished in scriptures. Kings were

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In The Secret Place

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Jehu arose and went into the house for the purpose of being anointed as king of Israel. Jehu had been in the company of his fellow captains,

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Check Your Company

When the trainee prophet that was sent by Elisha to anoint Jehu in Ramothgilead arrived, he found Jehu sitting in the midst of his fellow captains. Jehu kept a company of captains. He was not

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In our Focal Scripture, Elisha instructed one of the sons of the prophets to go to Jehu, and part of what he was meant to do was to make Jehu arise from amongst his brethren.

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Go Up

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha commanded one of the sons of the prophets to take a box of oil and go on a journey to Ramothgilead. The word ‘Ramothgilead’ means ‘heights of Gilead’. So the

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Stay Under Training

It is instructive to observe that the person who was sent by Elisha to anoint Jehu was one of the sons of the Prophets. He was a prophet in training. He was someone who had

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Get Set To Run

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha commanded one of the sons of the prophets to gird up his loins, and go to Ramothgilead. Elisha commanded one of the sons of the prophets to approach the assignment

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You Shall Have More

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha called one of the sons of the prophets and mandated him to go to Ramothgilead to anoint Jehu as king. Ordinarily, Kings were anointed by national prophets in Old Testament

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You Will Rise

In our Focal Scripture, Elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to go and anoint Jehu in Ramothgilead. Notice that in 1 Kings 22, Ahab had died in Ramothgilead. In the same Ramothgilead,

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Speed Of The Spirit

No More Delays

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to go to Ramothgilead to anoint Jehu. God had previously mandated Elijah to anoint Jehu as king, but

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You Have A Space

Not An Entertainer

In our Focal Scripture, the Philistines called for Samson to make them sport. They demanded that Samson should entertain them. Someone who was raised to bring pleasure to heaven was suddenly reduced to the role

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The Laughter Of Haters

When the Philistines finally had Samson in custody, they rejoiced and offered sacrifices to their god Dagon. The Philistines had been through pains in the hands of Samson, but suddenly, they had him in custody

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In The Same Place

Busy With Nothing

It is instructive to observe that when the lords of the Philistines finally overpowered Samson, they put him in prison where they made him grind. So Samson was not idle afterall; he was busy, but

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You Can’t Be Stopped

It is instructive to observe that in Judges 13 vs. 25, the spirit of the Lord had begun to ‘move’ Samson between Zorah and Eshtaol. Samson was already on the move; but when the Philistines

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No Reduction

In our Focal Scripture, after the Philistines had taken out the eyes of Samson, they brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass. Notice that in this same city of Gaza,

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Don’t Go Down

Don’t Lose Your Vision

When the Philistines laid hold of Samson, they took out his eyes. Samson had been a high flier all the way, but the first thing the Philistines would do, was to stop him from seeing

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Wake Up

When Delilah got Samson to reveal the details of his consecration and how that she might make him become weak, she made him sleep off on her knees; and while he slept, she shaved off

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You Have A Space

Guard Your Soul

As Delilah kept on disturbing Samson for information about the source of his strength, it came to a point where the soul of Samson was vexed unto death. Samson simply got fed up with the

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Don’t Bulge

It is instructive to observe that as Delilah kept disturbing Samson, seeking the source of his strength, Samson remained strong and invincible for the period that he refused to expose the source of his strength.

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Household Enemies

It is instructive to observe that the enemies that were trying to take down Samson were not operating from afar. They were operating from within the confines of his own residence at that time. Lords

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Don’t Be Ordinary

In our Focal Scripture, Samson disclosed to Delilah that if the Philistines bound him, he would be weak and be as another man. Samson was speaking of his consecration, and whereas he didn’t disclose the

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Away From Delilah

In our Focal Scripture, Delilah pressed Samson for information on how he can be bound, and where his great strength lay. Delilah was making enquiries about how Samson can be brought down. Samson was engaged

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No Defeat

In our Focal Scripture, when the lords of the Philistines approached Delilah, they wanted to know by what means they could prevail against him. So their plan was to prevail against Samson. Their plan was

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No Affliction

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the lords of the Philistines reached out to Delilah in order to pay her and get her to entice Samson. Their second goal, apart from wanting to bind Samson,

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No Confinement

When the lords of the Philistines approached Delilah with money in a bid for her to entice Samson, one of their goals was to bind him. The word ‘bind’ means to tie someone in such

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You Won’t Be Sold

When Samson began his relationship with Delilah, it wasn’t long before the lords of the Philistines came to her with a proposal to receive payment and entice Samson in return. They began a transaction on

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Don’t Go Down

Our Focal Scripture speaks of that moment when Samson loved a woman in the valley of Sorek, whose name was Delilah. Samson had just done exploits in the previous verse when he took the gates

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You Have A Space

Take The Gates

Prior to our Focal Scripture, Samson had entered into an alliance with a harlot he met in Gaza, and he went in unto her. Unknown to Samson, there were men waiting for an opportunity to

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Stand Out

It is instructive to observe that whereas it was not Samson’s fault that he saw a harlot in Gaza, his error began the moment he went in to her. That harlot was obviously not the

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No Distractions

In our Focal Scripture, Samson went to Gaza and fell in love with a harlot. Gaza was a Philistine territory. God had mandated Samson to take charge of the deliverance of Israel (see Judges 13

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May 2020 Devotional